FSVP Online Training - March 11-12, 2025
3/11/2025 - 3/12/2025
Take the FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs course – the only course with FDA-recognized curriculum – fully online. FDA is continuing FSVP inspections and is issuing warning letters for non-compliance. This course is the best way to ensure you and your employees know how to comply and for a limited time, the course is being made available fully online.
The United States requires food exported to the U.S. to meet U.S. food safety requirements. The Food Safety Modernization Act states importers are responsible to ensure the food they import meets U.S. regulations through a foreign supplier verification program. AFI President Bob Bauer served on the task force that developed the standardized curriculum recognized by FDA and is an FSVP Lead Instructor. His work on the task force, understanding of the food import industry and experience in conducting approximately 100 sessions of this course since it was ready in 2017 make AFI’s offerings a valuable experience for attendees from all sectors. FDA-Recognized Curriculum: The FSPCA FSVP course being offered by AFI is a two-day course that takes participants through the FSVP requirements and includes exercises to help them develop their company’s program. Attendees receive a certificate upon completion of the course but must attend the entire program to receive the certificate. |
Space is limited. Registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note special online delivery requirements:

AFI Members: $239 Non-Members: $399 (No refunds for cancellations after March 4, 2025)
Starts at 9:00 a.m. both days and ends at approximately 5 p.m. the first day and 4 p.m. the second day. All times are Eastern Standard Time. Use this time zone converter to find your time: www.worldtimebuddy.com